Saturday, 3 October 2015

Must Read: Living with Polio

Hi, how are you doing? It’s been a while after my first Article; I have been attending to some pending issues, I’m so happy to be back, my head is filled with experiences that I have gone through in the past, both sad and happy moments, that I just want to share with you right now, Hoping you get inspired, and probably have a different positive view to life.

Before I start,
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the person reading this right now, thank you so very much for reading, dropping your comments and sharing my first article. You are awesome and the best, you are the most beautiful soul in the world. Thank you for your great words of encouragement, I really do appreciate you.

I also brought good news; it might interest you to know that our dear country Nigeria has been without polio for a year, no new cases has been recorded. Just last weeks ago W.H.O announce the remover of Nigeria from the radar of polio affected countries, which until recently consist of Afghanistan and Iraq. I think the Nigeria government is really doing enough to combat this virus. This is a great achievement for all Nigerians. 

Living with Polio, will focus specifically on my life as a Polio victim and as a physically challenged person in general. It would lay emphasis on some important areas; it will also be looking out some of the bad and good times, scary moments, as well as try to encourage you in the process of sharing them with you.

I had a simple childhood during my growing up, though in the early stage of my childhood I went through pains from doctors, therapist and the likes of them, all trying to make me a normal kid with no disabilities. Apart from that my childhood was fun, I came across nice people. In my first term of primary school, the authority didn’t allow me to pay any fee. I guess it was because I was the first physically challenged person in the school, and also because I was so cute too.

The only times I would feel bad, are the arrivers of new students and new class teacher, without them knowing about who I am, they would make fun of me, because in school I don’t seat on my wheelchair when I am class, I seat on a chair like the other students do, its very hard to tell when I am seating. But when they do find out, they would apologize and things would go back to normal.

There were also the life threatening moments in primary school, but God stood by me in all of it. This particular moment happened when I was in primary 2; it was raining that morning, we hurriedly went to the class after the morning assembly. Everyone was seated and patiently waiting for our class teacher. We made noise while we wait, until a student shouted snake! Snake!! Snake!!! Everyone thought it was a prank, until someone else confirmed it. Before I knew it, they all ran away. I was alone and scared, I felt abandoned. I hated snake, just the thought of it, makes me angry, I rather see a big lion than  be in the same room with a snake.

To be continued!!!

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